Types of Educational Institutions in Netherlands

Higher education includes higher professional education or HBO as well as university education. According to a report by the Dutch ministry of education, there are around 41 HBO institutions in the year 2008 and around 13 universities. The Open University of the Netherlands also provides open higher education through distance mode. This is known as the Open Universiteit.

Alongside these, there are also numerous approved private institutions and institutes which provide international education. Private institutions also comprise certain theological colleges include the following:
  • University for Humanist Studies
  • Nijenrode University (for business education)
International education institutions is a third category and these include:

  • Institute of Social Science
  • International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation
  • Institute for Urban Housing and Development Studies
  • Institute for Water Education

Public Higher Educational Institutions in Holland/ the Netherlands

Higher education in the Netherlands are composed of higher professional education or hbo and research oriented education or wo. Since the year 1993, universities of applied sciences or hbo institutions as well as research universities have been governed by the Higher Education and Research Act. This provides freedom to institutions regarding their mode of teaching and other matters of operation.

Quality control as well as responsibility for programming is carried out by the university of applied sciences. Quality control is exercised by institutions internally as well as by external experts. From September 1, 2003, external quality assurance has been transferred to the NVAO or Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders.

Structure of Degree and Institutions

The bachelor's as well as Master's degree structure was launched in the academic year 2002-2003. The bachelor's programme comprises 180 ECTS 1 that involves 3 years of full time study. The Master's programmes last around 1 to 2 years and involve 60 to 120 ECTS credits. 

Number of Institutions

Professional education in the Netherlands is extremely diverse and courses lead to attainment of 250 different qualification kinds for wide occupation in various society areas. Broad as well as specialist courses exist. Different types of HBO institutions provide a wide variety of degrees and programmes. Small as well as medium sized colleges provide training in one sector only. At one point in time, institutions for professional higher education used to number 350 in the mid 1980s. It now adds up to 41 in 2007.

Types of Different Higher Educational Institutions

  • Universiteit/University
  • Technische Universiteit/Technical University
  • Landbouw Universiteit/Agricultural University
  • Hogeschool/University of Professional Education
  • Open Universiteit/Open University
  • Instelling Voor Internationaal Onderwijs/Institution For International Education

Research Universities

A report entitled “The State of Education in the Netherlands” studied research universities and found the relationship between the size of the study programme and the returns to be less defined than universities of applied sciences. There were also large differences between the small programmes themselves as well as between these and larger programmes. However, these universities are known for launching academic and not professional careers.

Research universities also provide university level education. They also conduct scientific as well as academic research. Students are educated and trained to have careers like scientific or academic researchers as well as technological designers. Work and knowledge accumulation for the benefit of society is their USP. The Dutch government has funded 18 research universities among which there is also an Open University for distance learning apart from 4 religious plus philosophical institutions of learning. Apart from this, there are 3 technical universities and a specific university named the University of Wageningen. The last university has been managed and funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Vocational Education

Adult education includes adult general secondary education as well as adult basic education. VAVO or adult general secondary education is known as second chance education and the VMBO theoretical programme comprising the HAVO and VWO. Adult basic education includes broad social functioning, life skills and Dutch as second language entitled NT2 or DSL.

Universities of Applied Sciences/Hogescholen

Universities of applied sciences are known for providing higher education in professional spheres. Even research courses are explored from a professional angle. Bachelor's programmes are offered in professional higher education as well as postgraduate studies. Knowledge is passed off for the wellbeing of society and there is development of professions where education is focused.

Higher educational institutions in the Netherlands focus on providing quality education. They are oriented towards preparing students for a career in a professional or an academic realm. Courses as well as programmes in either field are offered by Dutch higher educational institutions.

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